Gender Correction Surgery Or Sex Reassignment Surgery ( SRS) - What Are The Surgeries
Many transgender people struggle with understanding their gender identity. It can be a confusing and lonely time for them, feeling like their body doesn't match who they are inside. They often need help and support as they learn more about themselves and how to live comfortably in their own skin. This helps them feel like they belong in the world. Sometimes, people don't quite understand what it means to be transgender. This lack of knowledge can make things harder for transgender people who might already be feeling conflicted. Because of this, it can be difficult for them to connect with others, which can feel isolating.
Sex reassignment surgery (sometimes shortened to SRS) is a type of surgery that helps people change their physical body to better match their gender identity. It's also called gender affirmation surgery or sex change surgery. There are other names for it too, like gender correction surgery or gender confirmation surgery.
How one can change the Gender step to step for Sex change surgery ( SRS ) or Gender correction surgery Treatment ?
Gender Dysphoria, is the first stage in the therapy process for a transsexual (whether male to female or female to male). A psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of gender dysphoria makes this diagnosis. You might be encouraged to seek psychological counseling for a while, depending on the circumstances (usual period is 3 months to one year).
If a hormone doctor (endocrinologist) says you have gender dysphoria, you might take medicine called hormone therapy (HRT). HRT gives you the opposite sex's hormones to make your body look and feel more like your true gender. There's also testosterone (T) therapy for people born female who identify as male. Before sex reassignment surgery, there's usually a waiting period on HRT. Doctors have guidelines, but they're flexible and consider your health, finances, and beliefs.
Suggested Surgeries for MTF ( Male to Female Sex change surgery )
What surgeries are required for male to female gender reassignment surgery ?
Basic Surgeries:
- Hormone therapy for certain time of period is must
- Breast Implant
- Penile Removal ( Penectomy )
- Vagina creation ( Vaginoplasty )
Optional Surgeries:
- Facial Feminization
- Feminization Rhinoplasty
- Forehead reconstruction
- Tummy tuck
- Body Contouring
- Leg Contouring
- Voice Change
Suggested Surgeries for FTM ( Female to Male Sex change surgery )
What surgical procedures should one go for female to male gender reassignment surgery?
Basic Surgeries:
- Hormone therapy for certain time of period is must
- Breast Removal ( Mastectomy )
- Vagina Removal ( Vaginectomy )
- Penile creation ( Phalloplasty )
- Penile Implant
Optional Surgeries:
- Forehead Reconstruction
- Male Jawline surgery
- Voice Change
Sex reassignment surgery in India
Many transgender women from the Middle East, USA, Australia, and Europe completely transformed body as a result of gender reassignment surgery. In India, sex-change surgery has a very high rate of success. So, if you believe that your soul is imprisoned in the wrong body, don't be afraid to get in touch with the top Indian doctors to benefit from amazing surgical procedures. We provide alll the gender change surgerical procedures at a very affordable cost in India.