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Hip Replacement Surgery In India - Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery in India

Hip replacement surgery is a procedure during which a doctor surgically removes a painful hip with arthritis or damaged hip and replaces it with a man-made joint often made up of metal and plastic components. Arthritis caused within the hip is because either the socket of the hip or the thigh bone is injured or becomes diseased. This results in heavy pain, difficulty in walking and trouble completing everyday tasks. Hip Replacement Surgery is usually adopted when other methods of treatment fail and therefore the pain still persists. Post your Hip Replacement Surgery, the pain at the hip is relieved, making your move smoother.

Who needs Hip Replacement Surgery?

People between the age of fifty and 80 are the foremost common ones to urge a Hip Replacement Surgery done. Hip Replacement Surgery is typically administered to treat arthritis caused at the hip . 

Arthritis is a disorder that's liable for breaking the cushion between the bones, referred to as Cartilage. Without cartilage, when the bones rub against one another , severe friction is caused resulting in heavy pain between the joints.

A hip replacement could also be wont to mainly treat three sorts of arthritis:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: A chronic inflammatory disorder affecting many joints, including those within the hands and feet.
  • Osteoarthritis: a kind of arthritis that happens when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down.
  • Traumatic Arthritis: Damage in the joint caused by an injury or trauma.

Initially, doctors prescribe and resort to many methods to treat arthritis. This might include the utilization of walkers, physiotherapy, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen. If your arthritis doesn't answer such medical measures, getting a hip replacement could seem the simplest solution. However, Hip replacement surgery also can be wont to treat several other health conditions. 

  • Hip Replacement Surgery is performed on a patient if a tumour develops within the hip 
  • In the case of emergency, Hip replacement can also be wont to amend a fracture within the hip or the thigh bone
  • A condition called avascular necrosis of the hip often requires a complete hip replacement

What are the components of the New Hip?

The replacement hip that might be planted in situ of your old hip is formed from four components:

  • a metal socket
  • a liner to assist the ball move easily within the socket
  • a metal or ceramic ball to exchange the femoral head
  • a metal rod wont to stabilize the thigh bone to which the ball is attached.

For joint prosthesis, you'll be offered several options from your doctor:

Most doctors choose and highly recommend un-cemented joint prosthesis. This Uncemented procedure allows your bone to grow into the prosthesis over time. This type of prosthesis may take longer than usual to stay to the bone and hence the recovery time is additionally longer.
On the opposite hand, a cemented prosthesis is attached to the hip with bone cement for quick attachment. This is often a far better option for adults especially the older ones (who aren't very active)as this is quicker. 
Muscle sparing hip replacement: This procedure is usually performed through anterior or posterior, which spares cuts through the muscles, thereby reducing pain and recovery time.

Types of Hip Replacement Surgeries

There are mainly two sorts of Hip Replacement Procedure: Unilateral Hip Replacement and Bilateral Hip Replacement Surgery. They're illustrated below:

Unilateral Hip Replacement Surgery

In the case of unilateral hip replacement, artificial parts are utilized in place of diseased hip parts of only one hip. This sort of treatment is required at the last stage of degenerative hip disease. 

Bilateral Hip Replacement Surgery

In the case of highly diseased hips, the patient may have to have both his hips replaced. The Bilateral hip replacement is then performed which replaces both hips during one surgery. Bilateral hip replacement is performed by one team doing one hip surgery after the opposite. The operation is completed under one anaesthetic and takes two to 3 hours

The various precautions, those must be taken before and after Hip Replacement Surgery are:

Before The Hip Replacement Surgery:

  • Enjoys mild physical activities like walking, albeit for 10 to twenty minutes.
  • Lose extra weight as this will hinder the healing procedure.
  • Abstain from smoking and drinking.
  • Take all the prescribed medications religiously.
  • Inform the doctor about current medication.
  • Avoid eating heavy meals each day before the surgery, because it can cause nausea and vomiting.

After The Hip Replacement Surgery:

  • Avoid putting unnecessary strain on the affected/replaced joint by lifting heavy objects
  • Don't enjoys rigorous physical activities
  • Avoid bending hip for the other reason
  • Abstain from indulging in sexual activities
  • Inform the doctor while experiencing any discomfort.
  • Don't perform any exercise without consulting a physiotherapist
  • Keep the wound sterilised and covered, to avoid exposure to any kind of infections.

Hip Replacement Surgery Recovery

After your Hip Replacement Surgery, you'll be staying within the hospital for about 3-5 days. Full recovery from a hip replacement takes about three to 6 months. A cemented joint prosthesis has the longest recovery time to make sure a smooth recovery post your Hip Replacement Surgery, you'll need to:

  • Have someone assist you most of the days during the primary few weeks
  • Get regular therapy sessions.
  • Make some changes reception , like getting a raised seat if you've got a usually low toilet
  • Have someone pick you and drop you to places in order that you do not cause an excessive amount of movement immediately post your Hip Replacement Surgery.

Hip Replacement Surgery Risks

The risks and complications that arise thanks to Hip Replacement Surgery aren't very serious. As a matter of fact, most complications arise when as a patient, you are not taken proper care of post your Hip Replacement Surgery. These are the risks of Hip Replacement Surgery:

  • Infection
  • Joint Dislocation
  • Loosening
  • Change in leg length
  • Hip stiffness
  • Increased pain
  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Allergic reaction to medications

Recommended doctors for Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Hip Replacement Surgery cost may vary across the planet . Where countries like USA, UK, Canada may provide surgeries at expensive costs, countries like India are less expensive and affordable for getting Knee Replacement Surgery with an equivalent quality and brand. India is now a preferred medical destination for tons of medical travellers for treatment of quite a few specialities like dental, orthopaedics, IVF etc. 

Best in India is a platform that bridges the gap between patients who are seeking treatment in India and therefore the state of the hospitals in India. It helps you select the proper doctor for your medical treatment. Most of the doctors in our associated hospitals are internationally trained and are active members of the many international medical councils and associations. Let's hear from a number of the foremost reputed doctors for Hip Replacement Surgery in India.